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Lexi Streu R.Ac. TCMD

Why Your Acupuncturist Tells You to Come Back Every Week (no, it's not a sales technique)

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

In a world full of instant gratification and quick fixes, it might be a hard pill to swallow (no pun intended) to accept that good things often take time.

In any case of pain, disease, or disorder (whether it’s physical, mental or emotional) there is a level of dis-regulation within the nervous system. The duration and severity of a condition will dictate

the extent of this dis-regulation. Within a diseased state, the neural pathways in the body are communicating with the brain in an undesirable way, and the goal of Acupuncture is to beneficially modify that communication. Acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system, which in turn goes through processes of neuroplasticity to literally re-condition the brain and body relationship. And unfortunately, this takes time.

The longer the body has been in its’ current state of disruption, the longer it has been implementing a new ‘semi-permanent’ way of functioning that it has become accustomed to, as a means of compensating for pain or disorder. We don’t want to come in and largely shock or disrupt the system; for all your body knows it is just doing it’s best to protect itself. TCM approaches treatment by uncovering the reality of what’s happening; letting the body lower its defence’s in order to give us a clearer idea of the underlying pattern.

As a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, I will never be invasive or aggressive with treatment. I will never force my will onto the body’s process of healing. What I will do, is form a dynamic relationship with a strong foundation of trust and compassion. By working gently, but effectively, I gain the trust of the body - and from there it is far more likely to follow my guidance. I will approach treatment in a holistic matter, considering all aspects and elements of the body instead of simply treating the symptom or injury independently. This could look like addressing emotional anxiety and heart function in the treatment of golfer’s elbow, or considering childhood trauma when treating back pain. As this approach involves deeper level of complexity and a greater scope to address, results can take longer to come to fruition.

A gentle approach towards re-regulating the nervous system guides the physiology toward a new way of being in a sustainable, lasting way. It also teaches the body to be able to do this for itself and in turn, chemical and biological changes happen at a deep cellular level. Changes at this deep level allow for permanent change that creates more resilience in the body and effectively prevents future ailments. You will become your own healer.

The frequency and duration of treatment will differ for every patient. The more chronic an injury or disorder, the longer it will take. The more complex the presentation - for example when several systems in the body are simultaneously dis-regulated - the longer it will take. Age is also a factor in healing time, as those who are younger have more “vigour” and “vitality” to progress more quickly. Emotional conditions often respond well to multiple treatments per week for 4-6 weeks, while those seeking 'maintenance based' treatments only need to come in once a month or so. Acute injuries and disorder of or damage to the central nervous system respond exceptionally well to daily treatments while in the acute stage (2-3 weeks).

There is no promise of how long it will take to resolve any condition. However, with consistency and commitment, there is a promise that lasting change will occur.

If you'd like further guidance on how to approach your healing journey - reach out! I love to chat about all things Chinese Medicine, all the time.


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3 comentarios

25 jun 2021

Love the concept! We need to talk.😀

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Mark Stiles
Mark Stiles
23 jun 2021

My ankles are still feeling great from our last appointments, but think I’m overdue for an overall tune-up! Thanks Dr.Lexi!

Me gusta

23 jun 2021

Wonderful insight into the healing method of acupuncture 💛

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