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Lexi Streu R.Ac. TCMD

Every Wellness Hack is Not For Every Body

I will scream this from the rooftops till the day I die.

In the era of endless information at our fingertips, it can be hard not to get wrapped up in the constant stream of information coming from every practitioner, health coach and instagram influencer. We are constantly inundated with various, and often contradictory, information about what supplements to take, protocols to follow, diets to try or wellness hacks to incorporate.

While I think the accessibility we have to information these days can be empowering and often helpful, it bypasses a very important concept when it comes to health and healing:


One of the most beautiful things about being human. But also, the most complicated. It can't be controlled for in a clinical study. It's not considered in a “one-size-fits-all” prescription. Broadly standardized meal, supplement, or workout plans miss out on it.

Just because you someone else's symptom improved with a supplement, doesn't mean it will change yours. Sure magnesium can be a GREAT, but does that mean it should be a broad recommendation for every human on the planet (without considering form, method, dosing)?

Just because a wellness influencer said it was good, doesn't mean it's good for you.

Just because every Tom, Dick and Sally is talking about the newest biohacking trend, doesn’t mean it is safe for your constitution. Did you know cold showers and ice baths can actually have harmful effects in certain constitutions?

Just because a certain research study showed that “x” caused “y” in a certain population, doesn't necessarily mean ”x” will cause “y” in you.

According to Chinese Medicine, two people with the exact same presentation of symptoms can have completely different underlying pathological mechanisms that led to said symptoms. Such a simple but profound piece of our foundational theory that never ceases to amaze me. This means that each person must receive a uniquely tailored treatment approach in order to effectively and safely resolve the symptoms - even if they appeared the exact same!

The same supplement or herb, chemically speaking, can work differently in 2 different bodies because the digestion, absorption and assimilation processes differ from person to person. The same exercise, (even done correctly) can produce desirable muscle hypertrophy in one person, but unnecessary ligament strain in someone with a different anatomical structure. HIIT cardio has positive inflammatory effects in some, but would actually be deleterious in other’s with adrenal insufficiency. For some, sweet potatoes are fantastic for improving digestion & metabolism, while others are complete intolerant and would experience a worsening of their symptoms.

Unless a recommendation (regarding diet, exercise, spirituality, supplementation or otherwise) has been tailored to you - aka taken in to consideration with your unique constitution, health history, trauma experience and current physiological presentation - please take it with a grain of salt. We are not one size fits all.

And, we are dynamic beings. What worked yesterday might not work today. Take time to reassess, re-evaluate and then meet yourself where you're at. Every seven years every cell in our body is completely regenerated. We are literally a new human every seven years. Why not treat ourselves that ways.

This is not to say that I dismiss personal research or actively sourcing out solutions for your own ailments. Become an active participant in your healing, YES. The grounding principle that I practice from is that you are the only key to your healing. Absorb all the information. Demand continual, informed consent about what you are doing, ingesting, or being subjected to. But allow yourself to be selective about what you absorb and implement in to your own life. Filter all the information you receive through this concept of bio-individuality and in the end, you’ll likely have to try a lot fewer things to see a lot greater results.

The bottom line: be wary of advice from anyone that doesn’t have a thorough understanding of your unique mental, physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual health.

You are an entirely one of a kind, precious being - why shouldn't your health be treated that way?

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