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Frequently Asked Questions

if you have any additional questions or inquires - please reach out to!

i'd love to hear from you. 

what is Traditional Chinese Medicine? 

It is a complete medical system, meaning within its’ framework are unique tools and framework to assess, diagnose, treat and prevent disease. With roots dating back over 5000 years, it is a safe and time tested system of medicine that strives for more than just treating the condition at hand; the driving principles of Chinese Medicine emphasize disease prevention and health optimization.

Acupuncture is the most commonly known modality under the umbrella of TCM, however it is only one of many. We also employ Herbal Medicine, Cupping, Gua-Sha, Meditation, Breathwork, Qi Gong, Diet Therapy, Ear Seeding and Acupressure/Tui Na. 

what can TCM treat?

Because it exists as a complete medical system, TCM can treat any non-emergent conditions that you’d visit a Primary Care Physician for! From a broad perspective, it functions to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, regulate the nervous system and encourage the release of healing hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. Common conditions we treat include:

acute or chronic injury 
headaches, joint pain, body aches 
stress, burnout, chronic fatigue 
anxiety, depression, OCD, mental/emotional health
digestive disturbances 
fertility + hormone health 
asthma, impaired immunity 

does Acupuncture hurt?

There are many different styles of Acupuncture, some more aggressive and stimulating than others. However, I have a very gentle treatment approach and at most patients report a dull ache, slight pinch or light tingling sensation around the needle site. Many patients do not feel the needles at all as they are being placed, and after they are set patients become very relaxed - many even fall asleep! If you are experiencing pain or discomfort during the treatment we will modify whatever necessary to make you more comfortable. 

how safe is Acupuncture?

Having been practiced for over 5000 years, Acupuncture is incredibly safe - especially from a properly trained and qualified physician! It is a ‘self regulating’ modality meaning that its' gentle but profound effects are based on how each person's body interprets the signals that are being given to it. Minor side effects such as itching, bruising or tingling at the needle site may occur; these are mild and self correcting. Transparency about any pre-existing medical conditions, pregnancy or health history is imperative in ensuring your treatment is completely safe for your body!

how quickly does it work?

The calming effects of Acupuncture on the nervous system will be felt immediately, and last for days after a single treatment. Certain pain conditions such as joint or limb pain, headache and backache will often change and improve during a single session. There is no standardized answer as each person’s constitution is entirely unique, however as a general rule of thumb we say that the longer a condition has been present, the longer it will take to resolve completely. When beginning a treatment plan, consistency and repetition are key to a speedy and sustainable recovery. One thing is almost guaranteed - you’ll have a great sleep after your first treatment! 

did you know...

historically, Doctors in the TCM lineage were only paid if their patients remained healthy. if their patient fell sick it was thought that the Doctor had not done their job properly, and would therefore not receive compensation. 

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